Pure Drinking Water Supply System to Ambagahawewa School Pihimbiyagollewa, Medawachchiya,
We have completed another great project using the funds generated by “Music Night” held on April 24th, 2021, by handing over a complete pure drinking water supply system to Ambagahawewa School in a rural village of Pihimbiyagollewa, Medawachchiya, Sri Lanka on 29th November 2021. This will be a priceless gift for the school as there are many chronic kidney disease (CKD) cases in this area due to water with very high metal content.
DOT installed a new 1000 liter water tank on the existing water tank tower of the school and installed a durable stainless-steel basin, taps, and tubes connected to the new tank. The total cost of the installation is Rs.168,011.00 out of which Sierra Construction Company of Sri Lanka who did the installation has donated Rs.65,757.00 worth of labour and materials.
DOT paid Rs.12,000.00 to Nildiya, a water purification community-based organization (CBO) for 12,000 liters of water. CBO will refill the tank using their water bowsers as per the school’s requirement and the DOT will continue to pay the cost of water until the school gets the commercial water supply.
DOT members would like to express their gratitude to the below individuals and the organizations for their immense support extended to this project in this very difficult period due to the COVID pandemic.
- Ven. Aludeniye Subodhi Thero of “Shraddha TV” – Sri Lanka, for communicating the school’s drinking water requirement to the DOT Foundation
- Mr. M M P Mahipala Bandara from Colombo, for coordinating all the organizations and individuals in Sri Lanka from the begging to the end of the project. (This project would not be possible without Mr. Bandara’s dedication)
- Project manager of Sierra Construction Company Mr. Madhura, for planning, designing and personally visiting the school with his team to do the installation
- Project Director of Sierra Construction Company Mr. Mahinda Siriwardana, for providing labour, transport, and some materials free of charge through Sierra Construction Company’s charity allocations.
- Mr. Dayan from Hayleys Group of companies, Mr. Aruna Shantha and present Manager of Nildiya CBO Ms. Geetha, for providing purified water at the concession rate of Rs. 1.00 per liter and agreed to transport free of charge.
- Mr. Kamal Thilakarathne, Mr. Uditha Rajapaksha, and their spouses from Colombo, for visiting the school representing DOT Foundation for the official handover ceremony and distributing water bottles and stationery among school children. (Rs.38000.00 worth of good quality water bottles donated by DOT Foundation and more than Rs.40000.00 worth of stationery donated by Mr. Mahipala Bandara and his friends)
- DOT supporters who helped and participated “Music Night” to generate much needed funds for the project.